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No, you do not need to memorise this number. All you need to do is to show your identification when you arrive for your exam.
Updated 3 years ago by Phill Burns
IELTS Writing The latest IELTS guidelines state that you must write your answers in pencil in the Writing paper. Previously pens were allowed but this has been changed because test papers are scanned…
Updated 3 years ago
For the Listening section of the computer-delivered test, headphones are provided. For the paper-based test, some test centres do provide headphones for the Listening section instead of speakers, but…
Updated 3 years ago by Damien Burton
For the listening , reading and writing sections of the test, there’s no standard policy on issuing blank sheets of paper across all exam centres. Some centres do issue extra blank sheets of paper in…
Updated 3 years ago by Tom
Listening and Reading : It doesn't matter whether you use capital letters or not in listening and reading. You will not be marked on capitalisation for these parts of the exam. Writing : We don't rec…
Here is a link about how to get your overall scores For Writing and Speaking, the scores you got in the 4 marking criteria are av…
Updated 2 years ago by Damien Burton
If you are taking the paper-based test, you will need to fill in certain details on your answer sheets for the Listening, Reading and Writing papers. These include your first name, surname, the date,…
Updated 2 years ago by Thomas O'Brien
In short, no. There is so much differing advice about how to be successful in IELTS on the internet that it is overwhelming. That doesn't mean all of it is bad, some might be good, but we know that h…
IELTS Advantage does not administer the IELTS exam or run any test centres, but you can find official guidance on the locations of all test centres here.
Updated 4 years ago by Tom
There are a few things that you can do in the days just before your exam to help make sure that you are as ready as possible for it, and Chris recorded this video to explain this in detail. You can a…
Updated 6 months ago
What are contractions? Here are some common contractions: ’m = am (I’m) ’re = are (you’re, we’re, they’re) ’s = is and has (he’s, she’s, it’s) ’ve = have (’ve, you’ve, we’ve, they’ve) ’ll = will (I’l…
Here is a link to the IELTS main website regarding their computer-delivered test. You can listen to Chris talk about his experience with the computer-delivered test here on our YouTube channel.
Updated 6 months ago by Phill Burns
There is not a zoom option but you can choose between different text sizes and backgrounds. Click here for a video showing how the computer-delivered Reading test works. Click here for some computer-…
You can find more information about the Writing module of the Computer-delivered exam in this official tutorial video: Computer-delivered IELTS Tutorial - Writing
At most test centers, you take 3 parts on the same day in this order: First Listening , then Reading , followed by Writing. However, your Speaking test could also be on the same day, either before or…
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