I purchased my VIP course before June 1st 2022. Can I purchase more feedback after August 15th?

Yes, you will be able to purchase Writing and Speaking feedback after the middle of August. 

This is how much feedback will cost after 15 August 2022:

Personalised writing corrections:

1 essay correction for $29.95

3 essay corrections for $74.95

5 essay corrections for $99.95

Mock speaking tests:

1 mock speaking test for $49.95

2 mock speaking tests for $79.97

Here is some more information you may find useful:

I purchased my VIP course before June 1st 2022. Can I still use my corrections/mock speaking tests after August 15th 2022?

I purchased my VIP course before June 1st 2022. Can I continue with the course after August 15th 2022?

I purchased my VIP course before June 1st 2022. Why do I have to purchase feedback after the middle of August when it was already included in my package?

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