What is the difference between the Academic and General IELTS test?
The Speaking test is exactly the same.
The Listening test is exactly the same.
The Writing test is different.
- Task 1 is different.
- For the General Training Writing test Task 1, you need to need to write a letter (150 words).
- For the Academic Writing test Task 1, you are asked to describe a table, chart or diagram (150 words).
- Task 2 is the same.
The Reading test contains the same types of questions**, but the texts are from different sources.
- The General Training texts are shorter and usually come from notices, advertisements, company handbooks, official documents, books, and newspapers.
- The Academic texts are longer and usually come from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers.
**The IELTS Advantage Reading Academy course will teach you the strategies you need to answer the types of questions you will see on the Reading test (both General and Academic).