Which Cambridge IELTS books are the best ones to practice with?

While all of the Cambridge IELTS books are useful for practice, there are a couple of things that can affect your choice of materials.

Changes to the test

There have been some slight changes to the IELTS test over the years.

For instance, in books 1-4, there are some Writing Task 2 question types that are no longer in use. Also, some question types in the Reading and Listening tests have different instructions in books 1-4, and some are no longer in use.

This means the most recent books will be most similar to the current test.

IELTS Academic vs. IELTS General Training

In books 1-10, IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training practice tests are in one book. There are 4 Academic and 2 General Training tests in most of those books, except for the first couple, which have only 1 General Training test.

From book 11 onwards, there are separate books for Academic and General Training, and they have 4 tests each.

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