I want to practice before I submit my writing to the correction service. How can I do that?
First, make sure you have finished all the modules in the Writing Course, which you can find when you log in here. That's where you will learn exactly what the examiner expects in a Task 1 or Task 2 essay. For example, in the Task 2 modules, Chris explains exactly what information you need to include in every single sentence of a Task 2 essay for each of the 5 question types.
It is essential that you get feedback on your writing so that you know if you can actually do what Chris says to do, if if you are making any mistakes that will cause you to fail. For example, you know know that you need to include an explanation, but you need feedback to know if you explanation is relevant and provides sufficient support for your main idea.
You can purchase feedback in your course:
After you know what your key mistakes are, you can start working on them so that you can overcome them and increase your score.
Here are some ways you can practice before you submit your writing to the correction service:
- How can I use the Band 9 Essay Bank to practice?
- IELTS Advantage Practice Writing tests in the Bonus section of your Writing course
- What/Where is the Live Cambridge Practice?
- Use the Task 2 Global Feedback for extra insight into common mistakes and how to avoid them