What do I need to do first?

All new students should definitely start by completing the entire Welcome Course. Doing so will give you a much better idea of how everything at IELTS Advantage works, as well as show you how and where to find various resources and perform various functions, such as submitting writing for correction, booking mock speaking tests, and much, much more. You can access the course by clicking here.

NOTE: Many new students want to start using the Recorded Live lessons immediately after joining IELTS Advantage. However, if you're just getting started, you should most certainly wait until AFTER you've completed your official coursework before joining these, and you should then only join those which will help you in the specific areas in which you need to improve.

Viewing the entire Welcome Course will save you a lot of time and effort in the long run, so before doing anything else, please take the time to view it.

Also, it's important that you view the Mindset Course, which is inside the Welcome Course, as it will get you in the right frame of mind for independent study, and make your studies more efficient.

After you've viewed the Welcome Course (and the Mindset Course), the best thing you can do is begin viewing the modules for the skill that you feel the least confident in. Remember to take good, detailed notes that you can refer to later. Taking good notes will save you a lot of time in the long run.

If you are not sure which skill is your weakest, we would suggest starting with the Writing Academy as you can get personalised feedback on your writing once you have completed this course through the correction service.

Once you've viewed all of the modules for the skill that you're least confident in, you should then take some time to practice this skill until you gain a measure of success and confidence, at which point you can then move on to the next skill that you feel weak in, and repeat this process until you've completed all of the modules for all 4 skills and practiced each.

Also, if you haven't started using the VIP Study Plan yet, find it in the bonus section of your writing course and start using it. It's in the bonus section under "Essential Documents." Please feel free to tailor it to your unique needs and time frame, as it is meant to be very flexible. Consider what the daily focus of your studies should be, and use the VIP Study Plan to help you plan them accordingly.

Using the VIP Study Plan will help you to organize your studies and manage your time more effectively.

If you ever feel stuck, or unsure of what you should do next, please don't hesitate to contact us by either using the contact button at the top of this page or by emailing us at vip@ieltsadvantage.com. We'll be more than happy to advise you.

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