How can I discover my weakness in Reading?

If you do a practice test and you choose the wrong answer, it is because of a weakness.

(When a teacher does a practice test, they understand everything in the question, everything in the text, and the answer is obvious. However, when there is something you don't understand or misunderstand, the right answer is not obvious, and you will get it wrong.)

Only you know what you were thinking when you chose the wrong answer, so only you can discover your weakness. The teacher cannot see inside your head, so the teacher cannot do this for you.

You need to get the bottom of exactly why you chose the wrong answer.

After you know what your weakness is, you can work on improving it, and we will help you improve it.

Please use the lesson 'Learning from your mistakes' in the Reading Academy course to help you analyse your mistakes and discover your weakness.

  1. Login -
  2. Select the Reading Academy course.
  3. Go to the Question Types section.
  4. You'll see it there. It looks like this:

  1. Another way to discover your weakness is to use the Recorded Live Reading Lessons. Watch how the teacher applies the strategies from the course to learn where you are going wrong or where you are lacking. You can search for lessons on the question type you're struggling with.

NB. Discovering your weakness DOES NOT mean just understanding the answer to one particular question. You'll never meet a practice question on a real test, so worrying about one question is not an effective strategy. Instead, discover and improve your weakness so you can get the questions on the real test correct.

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