How can I stop making grammar and vocabulary mistakes when speaking?

First, identify the root cause of the mistake.

  1. You don't know what is correct.
  2. You know what is correct, but you accidentally say it wrong.

Next, work on improving it.

  1. if you don't know what is correct --> learn the grammar rules or improve your vocabulary.

(If you're not sure what resources to use, check VIP Support)

  1. if you make accidental mistakes --> train yourself to notice your mistakes every single time you make them. Then, train yourself to notice when you are about to make a mistake and stop yourself from making it. This requires paying attention. Watch this short video.

Finally, understand fossilised errors.

If you are at Level 2 (you know what is correct, but you accidentally say it wrong), then every single time you speak English, you are either:

  • further fossilising your errors
  • overcoming your fossilised errors

The Recorded Speaking Accuracy Practice lessons will help you focus on eliminating specific key mistakes from your speaking.

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