How can I stop making grammar and vocabulary mistakes when speaking?
First, identify the root cause of the mistake.
- You don't know what is correct.
- You know what is correct, but you accidentally say it wrong.
Next, work on improving it.
- if you don't know what is correct --> learn the grammar rules or improve your vocabulary.
(If you're not sure what resources to use, check VIP Support)
- if you make accidental mistakes --> train yourself to notice your mistakes every single time you make them. Then, train yourself to notice when you are about to make a mistake and stop yourself from making it. This requires paying attention. Watch this short video.
Finally, understand fossilised errors.
If you are at Level 2 (you know what is correct, but you accidentally say it wrong), then every single time you speak English, you are either:
- further fossilising your errors
- overcoming your fossilised errors
The Recorded Speaking Accuracy Practice lessons will help you focus on eliminating specific key mistakes from your speaking.