I've received my writing feedback, and I'm disappointed with my score. What do I do?

It's understandable that when some students fail to get the score they were aiming at in a particular essay, they feel disappointed. However, if this is the case for you, you should be looking at your feedback in a completely different way. The fact is that when you've watched and understood your feedback, you now know the key problems with your writing, and these were things that you didn't know before you submitted the essay. How does that help you? Well, now you know exactly what to focus on to improve your scores.

The whole purpose of submitting writing corrections is not getting the score you're aiming for each time. Instead, the purpose is to find out the key mistakes you're making so that you can work on them and fix them. That way, you're less likely to make those mistakes in the actual exam.

Therefore, please pay close attention to the key mistakes identified by the teacher and take the recommended action to improve in those areas.

You can find out more information about this in the VIP Study Plan.

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